Monday, July 13, 2009

Local Food Challenge - Intro

Hi. My name is Mercer.

My mommy signed up for a Local Food Challenge at Whole Foods last weekend. She's stressed out a lot, so I'm not sure why she's taking this on -- except she said that it's a good thing to do. We do eat SOME local foods, but she'd like to try to incorporate MORE local foods into our meals.

I am only 16 months old. I am sort-of in between baby food and table food. I eat mostly fruits, vegetables, yogurt, and whole grains. Oh yeah - and a mix of formula and whole milk. It's a pretty well-rounded diet, I guess. What do I know, though? I'm still a baby.

I think what inspired my mommy (her name is Candice - by the way - but I call her "ma" "maaaaaaa" or "maaaamaaaa")... what inspired her... was that we belong to this thing called a CSA "Community Supported Agriculture" program.
The CSA comes from a farmer named Craig. He works at Two Mule Farm in Resaca, Georgia.

Mommy & Daddy (everyone calls him Todd - but to me he's "da" "daaaaa" or "daddeeee")... Mommy & Daddy walk up to Marietta Square on Saturday mornings. I get to cruise in my stroller. They take a big empty bag up there and visit farmer's market booths. By the time we get home, the bag is full of vegetables and stuff. They try not to throw food away, so it's a challenge to find ways to use it all.

Also, in my back yard is a killer pond with koi and gold fish. Oh yeah - there's a little garden back there too. We used to have lettuce in it (I didn't like the lettuce). Mommy & daddy were eating a lot of salads last month, but now it's too hot for the lettuce. The garden is full of tomatoes and herbs right now.

That's all I can think of. I have a short attention span, so this is really long for me.

Good night! Wish mommy & daddy luck on making it through this "challenge" this week.

~ kisses from mercer

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